Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Princess and the Frog Coloring Pages Continued

It’s time to meet a new character from The Princess and the Frog. Behold the coloring page of Ray, the lovesick Cajun firefly. He will be voiced by Jim Cummings.

Looks kinda sneaky, doesn’t he?

Disney has a history of creating cool lovable sidekicks. For some reasong this coloring page of Ray reminds me of Sebastian from the Little Mermaid fate…

What do you think?

I think they must be long lost brothers… separated by evolution and all…

Oh, and you remember the coloring page from the last post?

Well, here is the sequel:

I think the frog’s expression is priceless.

Anyways, there are going to be more the princess and the frog coloring pages soon. So don’t let your printers run out of ink.

And while you are waiting, I recommend you check out this princess and the frog trailer spoof… I wonder if they got the ending right ;)

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